Most people are familiar with online marketing options for one-off pieces of content. But you will also notice as a business owner, you need content to work differently sometimes. When you have a series of content you want people to see in a particular order, we refer to that as serial content.

Why do we use serialized content in our marketing? We have reasons (besides wanting to pull out as many content pieces as possible from an idea):
1. To not overwhelm people.
2. A clear start and end.
3. A way to add value and build subscribers.
4. Optional monetization.

You have several options for distributing a series of content to your audience.

Option 1: Email (Drip Campaign To A Separate List)
Pro: You can see who opens.
Pro: You get their email address.
Con: Setup is kind of annoying.

Option 2: Messenger Campaign
Pro: Short messages.
Pro: Can see who engages.
Pro: Relatively easy to set up.
Con: If you want to follow up, you must collect their email or cell number separately.

Option 3: Course
Pro: You can see who logs in.
Pro: You can add interactive or additional elements easily.
Con: More of an expectation of interaction, etc.

Option 4: Website (And Letting People Know It’s There)
Pro: Indexed by search engines.
Con: Visible to all (no need to give contact information).

As you see, there is not one perfect solution for everyone, but in this video, we will talk about the pros and cons of each, and hopefully, one of these formats speaks to you!

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