My First Month On TikTok

My First Month On TikTok

Have you heard about the TikTok on the internetz? Kidding but really, I feel both very ancient and very cool using this site. Here’s how I see businesses using it to sell, educate, and entertain their potential customers and how to decide if it’s right for you.

Ask Nicole Weekly Series: Vanity Likes

Ask Nicole Weekly Series: Vanity Likes

You’re so vain, I bet you think this post is about you…. Kidding but what’s it like to buy influence? Does it get you anything? Do people think more highly of you for having more Instagram followers? Like in real life, you can pay people to like you online. Here’s how, if you were a d-bag marketer, you’d do that.

Ask Nicole Weekly Series: Ad Naseum

Ask Nicole Weekly Series: Ad Naseum

In this ‘If I Was A Marketing D-bag’ installment where we talk about marketing tactics we were use if we were a bunch of jerks who had no moral compass and just wanted to take your money. This week’s edition is how to run spammy ads, mainly on Facebook and Instagram. We’ll talk remarketing pixels, cookie notices, and other compliant fun!

Marketing Monday: Pregnant Chicken

Marketing Monday: Pregnant Chicken

There’s nothing quite as unifying as humor when it comes to shared experience. Last year, when I was pregnant and dutifully reading pretty much everything I could to prepare for the new baby (little did I know, all that reading doesn’t necessarily prepare...

How Short Videos Tell You More

Most people hesitate to do video because they are worried about having to create 1) long narratives with 2) high production value. That said, we’ve noticed a cool phenomoenon: very short videos in places you aren’t expecting them. I first noticed this...

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