Too Cute Tuesday: Homemade Butter

It’s been a busy week already so yesterday, I had an email conversation with Sarah, who heads up Too Cute Tuesday in Saint Louis because I was feeling a bit more uninspired than usual. “Making butter is always fun.” she said, and her group did this a...

Too Cute Tuesday: Mustache Pacifiers

Every Tuesday, it’s fun friends, a (relatively) easy craft, and a refreshing cocktail. To learn more, check out the Facebook page (we post additional photos there), the Too Cute Tuesday archives, or our new Etsy store. My sister just had a baby and somehow it...

Twitter Hashtags 101

To anyone just starting to use Twitter, it can seem like some exclusive club of short hand and something called hashtags. Hashtags are basically a pound sign followed by a word. Here are some examples: A hashtag can have a few functions in Twitter (for categorization...

Too Cute Tuesday: Candied Pecans

Too Cute Tuesday is a craft, a cocktail, and friends. To learn more check out the Facebook page or check out the cooking related Too Cute Tuesday posts in the archives. Twas the week before Christmas, and everyone was stressed, so we gathered in Dorrie’s kitchen...

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