Was I exploring the Amazon rain forest or volunteering at a needy school somewhere? Nope, I’ve been here at this very desk most of the time… my mind, though, has been elsewhere.

Ever go through a period where it seems you can’t think of anything original or interesting to say? Most of the time, we can work through it. Back in my data entry days, this blog was a break where I got to be creative. Something completely different and apart from the rest of my to-do list. So it was kind of easy to think of stuff.

Now I’m creative for other people all day so being creative just for me, well, it looks like suspiciously like the other stuff on my to do list. It actually got to the point where I went days without thinking of something even short and clever enough to say on Twitter. I even didn’t call my mom for a couple weeks because I couldn’t think of anything interesting to talk about. What’s wrong with me?

It’s because I haven’t been writing creatively at all, online or off.  Who knew the blog helped my work in terms of keeping my mind ‘in shape’?

So anyway, I’m doing fine and thought I’d get back into this by just, you know, writing about whatever. Here are some things that have been going on with me:

  • My sister is having a baby in December (the first in our family) so we’ve been pretty excited about that. I went north to be with my family for her baby shower last weekend. I can still remember my sister being scared of the dark and having to tell her it was ok.  Now, she’s going to have her own daughter to reassure. Crazy!
  • My dog has really come out of her shell the last few weeks. She’s gotten really snuggly and happy. One of my friends over at the last Too Cute Tuesday said “Wow, that’s a totally different dog!” (Yes, we’ve still been having Too Cute Tuesday, I just haven’t felt like writing about it! Weird, huh?)
  • I’ve been making a real effort to get out of the house more in terms of getting 10,000 steps a day in. I physically feel a lot better. To get a baseline, I wore the pedometer on a typical day at home. 157 steps. Ugh, no wonder my pants didn’t fit well! I’m now up to 7,000 most days. Still shooting for 10,000 though!
  • I found a part time subcontractor, got BBB accreditation, began the incorporation process for my business, and made it so my business can accept credit cards. Still working on integrating the credit card payments with my website but hey, at least I’m taking steps in the right direction!
  • Since my ‘no reading work books in bed’ rule was enacted about two months ago, I have read three pleasure books  in an effort to keep myself well rounded (note: not well round, see above).
  • I love that my mom sent me a coffee grinder in a care package when I asked for one as a Christmas gift. It’s so much better than the pre-ground stuff I’ve been buying all these years!
  • I’ve been trying to eat raw one meal a day to be healthier. I might need to increase my repertoire beyond spring rolls though if I’m going to keep doing this.
  • I’m going on vacation in two weeks. I scheduled it a few months ago and it is literally the last week I could possibly do it. (My mom gave me her time share to use in 2010 and my sister is due in mid-December.) Leap and the net will appear indeed. I’m kind of nervous to step away but once in awhile, I think need to realize that the world does go on without me!

So that’s a little of what I’ve been up to lately. How are you?

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