Too Cute Tuesday: Origami

It's a rainy Tuesday night here at Craft Central and with my leaving on vacation, we wanted to have a fun, easy, slightly nostalgic craft for tonight. Enter those fond elementary school memories of origami! (Spatial = Nicole is terrible at it, just ask her seventh...

Too Cute Tuesday: Ice Cream In A Bag

Today in my corner of Maine, the temperature hit sixty degrees Farenheit. My snowbank adjacent to my apartment is now just a pile. That's right, summer is officially on the way. I even saw some crazy girl walking down the street in a sleeveless sundress. (No, it...

Too Cute Tuesday: Easter Eggs

So both Sarah and I forgot it was Easter this Sunday and had a total other craft planned. Thank goodness Sue remembered and said something to the effect of "Um, what about Easter eggs?" Fabulous! MaterialsEggs (white will take the dye better)Food coloring or...

Too Cute Tuesday: Seed Infused Paper

Spring has sprung here like most everywhere else in the Northern Hemisphere. Spring and Maine means snowstorms with 6 inches of snow or less, a fine layer of dust on everything, and eventually, if we wait long enough, flowers. This week, we've combined the...

Too Cute Tuesday: Knotty Coasters

Top of the evening to you!   Occasionally it's bound to happen that a Too Cute Tuesday craft doesn't quite work as planned. Tonight's craft is further proof that I am not a spatial person. Good thing Dorrie is! It was just her and I tonight as some...

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