Debt Is Not Forever

Debt Is Not Forever

What I really like about blogs is you make friends you would have never otherwise made. My primary example is British Phil when people ask me for an example but I have also made friends who I’ve never gotten to meet, one of them being Jackie at The Debt Myth....
2014 Year In Review

2014 Year In Review

As the year rounds to a close, we thought it would be fun to check in with everyone at Breaking Even Communications about their year. Here’s what we done, learned, and look forward to in 2015: John Swinconeck What was the coolest part of your year personally?...

Website Launch: Community Development Society

When a website is meant to serve a lot of people, you have to balance the needs of everyone. The Community Development Society has hundreds of members worldwide. Many are involved in committees within the organization (so they need access to info regular members...

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