Book Review: Money For Nothing

To be honest, I would have never picked up Edward Ugel’s book if I wasn’t a personal finance blogger. But after finishing it, I’m glad I didn’t make the mistake of passig it up. I was at the library for some entertainment books (I seem to have...

The Christmas Shop Local Challenge

It's Cheaper and Easier Then I Thought Early this Christmas season, I decided that I was going to buy all my gifts locally for several reasons. 1) My family owns a small business. (I do too!) It would seem at least a little hypocritical to not support others...

Bimmer's* Old Moped Rides Again

I think we all like to hold on to things from our past. It's one thing to keep an old pin in a jewelry box or a box of greeting cards in your closet but it becomes another issue when your sentimental attachment takes up substantial space and has a horn that beeps...

Bimmer’s* Old Moped Rides Again

I think we all like to hold on to things from our past. It's one thing to keep an old pin in a jewelry box or a box of greeting cards in your closet but it becomes another issue when your sentimental attachment takes up substantial space and has a horn that beeps...

Lessons Learned from Love Actually

We all have our favorite Christmas movies. My friend Laura loves "The Christmas Story", and so I think of her whenever I see a part of the movie or hear the phrase "You're gonna put your eye out with that thing!" (Not that I hear that phrase...

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